Information sessions about the City’s Health and Homeless Response re 24/7 Hubs – Wed, June 14, 7-8 pm, Canada Games Aquatic Centre

City of London invites residents to learn about and provide input into the implementation of Health & Homelessness Response. 

Engagement opportunities on London’s whole of community system response to the health and homelessness crisis will begin next week, to provide Londoners with the opportunity to learn about the details of the plan and provide their input into the decision-making criteria that will guide the system implementation.  The system response was designed by a collective of community experts from across sectors that is a first of its kind in London, and unique in Ontario. That group included more than 200 individuals representing nearly 70 local organizations in community health and social services, institutional healthcare, education, emergency services, business and economic development, land and housing development and multiple levels of government.

The new model includes 24/7 safe spaces and supportive housing, to help individuals experiencing homelessness move safely inside, be stabilized and supported, and become, and stay, sustainably housed

Residents will be able participate through the City’s engagement portal (URL below) or at one of five in-person drop-in sessions to be held between June 14 and 26.

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Councillor Squire Ward Meetings, Neighbourhood Decision Making, and Wonderland Road

From Councillor Squire

I have now scheduled two fall community meetings. The dates and location are:

Thursday, October 19 from noon to 2 pm in the Food Court at Cherryhill Mall and

Monday, October 23 from 7 to 9 pm in the Vitali Lounge at King’s University College

These are important meetings as the staff who are dealing with these projects will be there. The new project leader for Bus Rapid Transit, Jennie Ramsay, will be there as well as Dr. Chris Mackie the City Medical Officer of Health to discuss Injection sites. There will also be time to discuss any other subjects. I hope you can make it.

Phil Squire, City Councillor Ward 6

Continue reading “Councillor Squire Ward Meetings, Neighbourhood Decision Making, and Wonderland Road”

More March News

For Seniors

The Celebrating Seniors Series runs every 2nd Wednesday of the month at the Sherwood Forest Branch Library from 2 to 3 pm.

There is a Francophone Senior’s Group at the Cherrryhill Library every Friday from 1 to 3 pm.

There is a seniors Current Events Discussion Group at the Masonville Library every Thursday from 1:30 to 3:30 until May 18th.

City is Looking for your Input

RANKED BALLOT: You can give feedback on this question either through the survey or to Councillor Squire (

There is also a public participation meeting at city hall on Saturday, April 22 at 11 am on the topic. Anyone can attend to speak to all members of Council on this matter. If you can’t make the meeting but want to have members of council get your message, you can include a letter on the meeting agenda if you get it to by 9 AM April 13th

STRENGTHENING NEIGHBOURHOODS STRATEGY: There are a number of open houses on this topic between March 28 and 30th, including one at Medway Arena on the 29th from 7 pm to 8:30 pm. Go to the engage London site for other times and locations. There is also an on line survey and comment form. City staff are looking for your comments by March 31.

2016 Watermain Cleaning and Structural Lining Project

The City of London has awarded a contract for the 2016 Structural Lining Program. The program will include the cleaning and structural lining of existing watermains in the Sherwood Forest area including restoration of roadways, curb and gutters, sidewalks, driveways, and boulevards that are disturbed during construction.
Continue reading “2016 Watermain Cleaning and Structural Lining Project”