November News

161 Windermere Road

Our friends on the other side of the Medway Valley are asking for your support. There is a planning application that will be heard for this address on November 18, 2014, at 7:00 p.m at City Hall in the Council Chambers, 3rd Floor. This is a site adjacent to a high cliff of the Creek and the Environmentally Significant Area that is the Medway Valley. The application includes a stormwater management facility that appears to allow water to run down this cliff, likely resulting in erosion and potential negative impacts on the Creek. Also troubling is that the applicant has asked for what is called a special provision in the Environmentally Significant Area to permit structures (such as a gazebo, benches, chairs, fire/bbq pit, etc.) within these lands. As the City is trying hard to stop people from encroaching into Environmentally Significant Areas, this would be the absolutely wrong message to send.
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August Neighbourhood Newsletter‏

Sherwood Forest School Site

City staff will be mailing a notice of the next City-led community meeting on the proposed re-zoning of the school site. Keep an eye out for it. The goal continues to be for staff to have a recommendation in front of the City’s Planning Committee this fall.

London Plan

The London Plan is the city’s new land use plan. It is to be presented for approval to the new council in late winter or early spring 2015. There are many changes to land use planning which have the potential to have an impact on all neighbourhoods including ours. More about these changes in future e-mails, but here are just two:

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