Secondary Dwelling Units

At Monday’s Council committee meeting, the Committee overturned the staff recommendation and voted to permitted secondary dwelling units as of right in the entire city. The vote was 4-1 (Mayor Brown, and Councillors Helmer, Park, and Cassidy in favour of overturning). Only Councillor Turner supported the staff recommendation to not allow them as of right in the Near Campus areas including our own. Councillor Squire spoke in favour of the staff recommendation, but he is not a member of the Committee. Councillor Hopkins had a conflict of interest in this matter and could not speak or vote.

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Secondary Dwelling Units

This week, the Planning and Environment Committee of City Council voted 4-1 to allow one bedroom Secondary Dwelling Units (SDUs) in all parts of the City including the neighbourhoods near campus. Council Squire moved a motion to exclude the Near Campus Neighbourhoods, but his motion was defeated. Secondary Dwelling Units will be allowed in owner occupied houses and street townhouses. The maximum number of bedrooms remains at 5 and 3 respectively. If rented, SDUs will be required to get a license under the rental licensing by law. Units that were constructed previously without permission still need to get licensed. The Committee will get a report back in a year as to the implementation of this change. The final decision is made at Council on August 30th.