Results from Fanshawe College Urban Design Charrette

Here are the results from the 3 student teams from the Fanshawe Cllege Urban Design Charrette who were focussed on the Sherwood Forest school site.


These will be presented to the community at large next Wednesday, March 21 at 7:00 pm, at the Church of the Transfiguration, 33 Bromleigh.

Workshop for Sherwood Forest site

Thank you to everyone who participated in the workshop on the Sherwood Forest school site. While the number of participants was small, the ideas were big. Hearing the perspective of the community and sharing ideas was a valuable experience to the students.

The discussion questions focused on:
1. What characteristics show the strengths and opportunities for the site?
2. What characteristics show the challenges and constraints for the site?
3. What vision and ideas for future land use or redevelopment can you imagine?

The questions from the meeting are available here. You can still provide comments for the students up until the end of the day on February 15.

If you have comments, please send them to either Sandy Levin, president, Orchard Park/Sherwood Forest Ratepayers at or Professor William Pol at

Workshop for Sherwood Forest Public School site

Workshop for Sherwood Forest Public School site
Thursday, February 9, 2012, 7 pm
Location: Canada Games Aquatic Centre, main floor meeting room

Fanshawe College students and faculty from the GIS and Urban Planning and Landscape Design Programs will be conducting a Design Charrette for the Sherwood Forest Public School site. We hope this process will influence any future development of the site. Having a charrette was overwhelmingly supported at the community meeting in November.

Design charrettes create and evaluate preferred future forms of development. Students receive input and ideas from the community and prepare urban design and landscape drawings/reports of the site, showing possibilities for buildings, landscaping, and parking using leading edge ideas for development and sustainability.

You are invited to a workshop to be held on Thursday, February 9, 2012 beginning at 7 p.m. at the Canada Games Aquatic Centre, main floor meeting room. You are invited to share ideas and comments on the site: strengths and opportunities; challenges and constraints; vision for lands, buildings, and landscaping; form and type of land use.

The workshop should last approximately one and a half hours. The meeting will include a welcome and introduction; discussion tables of 8 – 10 people; note taking by a recorder; and shared feedback to the entire workshop. A summary of comments and ideas will be prepared and given to the students.
After the student projects are created and evaluated, the students and faculty will give a presentation of the best ideas on Wednesday, March 21 at 7 pm at the Church of the Transfiguration, 33 Bromleigh Ave.

If you have any questions or comments please contact: Sandy Levin, president, Orchard Park/Sherwood Forest Ratepayers at or 519-472-9576 or Professor William Pol

Design Charrette for Sherwood Forest Site

At the community meeting in November at Sherwood Forest P.S., William Pol from Fanshawe gave a quick proposal for a student project. The response was overwhelmingly positive from those attending. Here is the time line.

The GIS and Urban Planning Program at Fanshawe is looking forward to undertaking a design charrette for the Sherwood Forest School. In January the students will be completing background work on the site. This would be independent site visits, policies, regulations, site design guidelines, surrounding land uses, physical characteristics and related features.

1. On Thursday February 16 from about 4 pm – 7 pm representatives of the Ratepayers will be invited to the College to meet with student teams to discuss the site, opportunities, constraints and community ideas. (location at the College to be sent later).

2. The students will spend the next week completing several designs for the site using different options and assumptions.

3. On Friday February 24 Fanshawe will host an all day session 8-5 at the College for presentations by each of the student teams on their designs. Fanshawe will invite representatives from the Ratepayers organization to participate in the evaluation process.

4. Fanshawe is interested in having students present the best projects to the community by students some time in March. (details to be worked out as to where and when)

If you have any questions, please leave a comment, or email Sandy Levin.